The Everlasting Guilty Crown Egoist ポップ 2011 AMG & Microsoft

EGOIST [Guilty Crown] - Euterpe

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Company Intro

Company Intro

One "BAKA" Anime Shop is a one stop shop for all you digital anime needs such as movies, series, music, and manga.

Our future site will be coming in the near future and it will be found at WWW.ONEBAKAANIMESHOP.NET.

Product Overview


What kind of products and services will ONE BAKA ANIME SHOP be offering? Any one who decides to join "OBA" will have access to an endless supply of anime, anime music, and manga. It is the goal of this shop to be the world leader in anime. It will be our guarantee that we will have available for view or download 99% of all existing anime, music, and manga. So no more endless searching for the episode you want to watch or having to deal with the EVIL "video not found" Message.

Why did we feel that this business needed to be created? 
This is a product of near necessity. Anyone out there who is an avid anime fan like myself knows how gruesome and tedious it is trying to track down a good anime series. Not to include the ever hated "video not found" message you receive right at the turning point of the story. So we decided that someone needed to create a website that would keep up with and guarantee that the episodes would be there. So we did and we will have available for viewing and download 99% of all  anime and manga that exists.So no more pulling your hear out for lost episodes.                                                                                                  

What is going to make this a successful digital media company?
 This is something that any I repeat any anime lover would dream of. I admit there are other sites out there with episodes for free but when it comes down to it. If you do not speak Japanese than about 50% of anime and anime music is almost untraceable. Then you have the other 50% which are from majorly neglected websites where almost every other episode or anime no longer exists. So you can spend hours upon hours looking for your show or for little or no cost know right where it is and have it at your fingertips. So the question isn't "what is going to make this a successful media company" but "whats not going to make this a successful company". 

Target Market

Target Market

Who do we consider to be our core consumers?
Anime is not limited to kids in the united states anymore. Most who think about anime only think of kiddie cartoons meant for children. This is not the case. Anime and manga have been popular with all age groups in Japan and is slowly becoming that way in the us and other countries. Anime and manga have many faces to them. There are some pointed towards the young, teens, young adults, and even some pointed more for the upper ages. This is something that is for everyone and that anyone can love just like their favorite Disney film , favorite soap opera, or even their favorite action film. So there is something for everyone.

Costumer Profile:
As stated................ANYONE!!!!!

Why do I think everyone should try OBA?
because there is something for everyone and no one likes spending hours looking for a 20 min episode. America wants it here and at their fingertips 10 min before they know they want it there. So just like Netflix which has grown to a leader in digital media. OBA can and will become the leader in digital anime. Because not even netflix will give a guarantee that they will have the episode you want and we will. 

so here are some intros to a few series's that prove there are some for everyone.
the first is for the horror enthusiast. the next is for the action enthusiast. the third is for drama. and the last is for kids.


Product Differentation





These would be a few of our primary competitors.

 Netflix is a great leader in the digital media age. There selection of movies is vast and could take years to watch all of their episodes available. They are a paid subscription on a recurring monthly basis but there fee is acceptable with a plan starting under ten dollars.

Anilinkz is a great company for a anime fan. They have links to hundreds of anime episodes that are found on the net. It is a free service available to anyone who finds it. So the price is right. However being that this is a free site they do not keep up with broken links, missing videos, or virus protection. So not only do you have to worry about starting a series and not being able to finish it due to missing episodes. You could not be able to finish it due to a computer failure due to viruses or other malicious software. Not to mention the ad-ware on these sites are grossly overwhelming.

Anime Freaks Is another example of a free anime link site. They do have a some of the same animes as the other site and offer a few different ones. Once again there is no virus protection and the ads will bog down anyone without a super computer. In my opinion.

So here are some of the differences that will make "OBA" a hit

1. The no more option. There may be ads on our site but a subscriber would be able to turn ads off from their settings.

2. Don't Zombie your computer. Virus protection for subscribers will be of an up most priority. I mean there is no one who is going to pay for a online subscription if there computer isn't working. It is just good business to protect them.

3. Our promise. None of these sites will give a guarantee of video availability. We will guarantee that if we do not have it and its anime, manga, or anime music our subscribers will have a email link and we will make the media available within 72hours and any current series out will have episodes posted within 48 hours of release.

4. Were Flexible. Unlike netflix only offering plans for their service. Those who only wish to have access to a few episodes will have the option. We will offer a monthly membership at a very low price but we will also offer a per episode, per series, or per file price for those only interested in a precise item.

If that wasn't enough all monthly subscribers will not only be able to watch there episodes streaming they will be able to download any and all videos, audio, and written items. Now no other company is going to allow that.

Product Marketing

Marketing Strategy

First I would take advantage of the free options for advertising. YouTube is a great example of this. With a little time invested a person could have free advertisement available to millions of people. The popularity of you tube has not only been based around the fuzzy kitten or funny kids videos. YouTube is becoming more and more popular as a answer all site. If you ask a question to Google 9 times out of ten in the top of the results will be a link to a video on you tube about your question. So where do people go to look for anime in America? The web and there favorite search provider. So we make a few videos about the top 10 anime's of 2011 and a few about the best anime soundtracks and there we have free advertisement.

Next, now that we have a few individuals who will make it to our site through the quick links added to the videos we add our next hook. The infamous " FREE TRIAL". Now the free trial is a great hook for most companies due to the fact that 40% of individuals who sign up for these give there credit information for the free trial and forget to cancel it. This is a cheap way to steal from individuals. This also runs off many potential consumers. So our free trial will be risk free so no credit info. However there will be limited service. There will be no downloading during the trial time, it will end after 30 days and there will be a limit of 5 episodes during the time period. Just enough episodes in that their interest will be included.

Now that we have a few new visitors from our you tube videos and some recurring members from the free trial we make available the next phase. The referral program. For those are subscribers if they referral a friend the will get a free month of service and their friend will also if they join after the trial period. So after that word of mouth will be a big helper for our company.

Now in theory our subscriber base should be growing rapidly within the first year. However if it isn't we would look at advertisement in the comic and trading card category but that shouldn't be necessary.

Why use these marketing strategies you ask

1. We sell digital media so we should use digital media to market our service.
If they can't use youtube then more than likely they will not be interested in our digital services.

2.Free trials are common everywhere.
They are simply a way to inform and allow potential costumers to try merchandise they wouldn't normally.

3.Referrals are always good business.
They are free advertisement and yes you may be losing a monthly subscribers value for a short time you are gaining other subscribers and giving the original subscriber more time to become hooked to your service.

Website Design and Differentation

Our Competition

Netflix -
Anilinkz -
Anime Season -

Some of the attributes we will be including from other sites.

Each of these sites have some good aspects that we will include in the design of our website. Firstly we will be including the quick response and costumer service like that of netflix. Like earlier stated we will have a link on the web page that allows subscribers to e-mail us directly on issues such as billing, missing series, and other issues. We will also with this aspect guarantee a response within 72 hours. So customer support will be of top priority to us.

We will be also including the multiple player aspect like that of anilinkz. They offer most of their videos in multiple players so streaming on different devices is somewhat more user friendly. This is a nice aspect for those who may not understand how their explorer works in such situations where they may have a security setting set that would interfere with one player but not another. So than the fix would be as simple as clicking on a secondary player rather than troubleshooting personal settings.

Finally we will include the information about the videos in high detail like that of anime season. They have a decent info pane when you click on a series or movie. The detail include what year the episode was released, a description about the episode, any other series or movies that tie to the viewing series, rating, and categorical tags attached to the selection.

What aspects that will be different on our site.

Like posted the other sites do have search drives in them. However the search drive from anilinkz does not work and when it does work you cannot see the next page tab due to ads being placed in the way. Netflix has a good search ingine but very limited choices in anime. The site Anime Season has a good search drive and functionality is well established. However we wish to allow subscribers to not only search by name and tags but also through such aspects as year, animation style, production company, and popularity. The popularity will also be tied to a rating scale that subscribers can voice their opinion on.

We will also be adding a tree of knowledge aspect to our site. Our subscribers will be able to view our enormous selection either in list view or image view were tags of the episodes will be included. On this tab page there will be a basic info pain about the episode including date, style, episode count, and an if you like  comparison. Then on each tag there will be a Tree Of Knowledge link that will take them to the full info page for that episode. This will include in detail about the story, date, production company, anime style, if you like comparison, and a optional limit rating search. We wish to allow account holders to put limits of ratings so that family protection is available.

We will also be the only protected site that will be allowing unlimited downloads to subscribed customers.

We would also like to incorporate the live text communication within our site for subscribers like that from It comes in handy for inexperienced anime enthusiast in the sense that which other avid anime people one all you have to do is ask a question such as "whats a good anime for kids", "whats a good action anime", "what would you guys say is the top 5 animes out" so when completing an anime series it wont be like looking for a needle in a hay stack to find another one your interested in.

Base of Operations

Where will ONE BAKA ANIME be located?

Our base of operation will not be limited. We will start our buisness based out of Gentry Arkansas due to it being my home town. If needed the base of operations could be moved to a location such as Tulsa Oklahoma or Little Rock Arkansas.

 Why Gentry you ask?

Well here is the lowdown of it. Our company will only be selling digital media so other than a couple file cabinets with legal rights documents and a dry storage area for backed up copies of the digital media we are providing. The only other things needed are a decent computer and server setup. This will not take up that much space. Now I know some out there will argue about how much room one would need for our establishment. However for the most part out site will be based not on having to actually send and receive the data. We will primarily use a link function for the work on our site. Now some will have to stream from us to our subscribers but mostly we will be linking you to another websites streaming video so the drag early on would not be so hefty. Now the goal will be to become completely self sustaining meaning we stream directly from our server and storage but we will start off small and keep overhead low so that we can provide the costumer support and development of the site the attention it deserves. So this hole in the wall be our starting base of operation.