The Everlasting Guilty Crown Egoist ポップ 2011 AMG & Microsoft

EGOIST [Guilty Crown] - Euterpe

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Product Overview


What kind of products and services will ONE BAKA ANIME SHOP be offering? Any one who decides to join "OBA" will have access to an endless supply of anime, anime music, and manga. It is the goal of this shop to be the world leader in anime. It will be our guarantee that we will have available for view or download 99% of all existing anime, music, and manga. So no more endless searching for the episode you want to watch or having to deal with the EVIL "video not found" Message.

Why did we feel that this business needed to be created? 
This is a product of near necessity. Anyone out there who is an avid anime fan like myself knows how gruesome and tedious it is trying to track down a good anime series. Not to include the ever hated "video not found" message you receive right at the turning point of the story. So we decided that someone needed to create a website that would keep up with and guarantee that the episodes would be there. So we did and we will have available for viewing and download 99% of all  anime and manga that exists.So no more pulling your hear out for lost episodes.                                                                                                  

What is going to make this a successful digital media company?
 This is something that any I repeat any anime lover would dream of. I admit there are other sites out there with episodes for free but when it comes down to it. If you do not speak Japanese than about 50% of anime and anime music is almost untraceable. Then you have the other 50% which are from majorly neglected websites where almost every other episode or anime no longer exists. So you can spend hours upon hours looking for your show or for little or no cost know right where it is and have it at your fingertips. So the question isn't "what is going to make this a successful media company" but "whats not going to make this a successful company". 

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