The Everlasting Guilty Crown Egoist ポップ 2011 AMG & Microsoft

EGOIST [Guilty Crown] - Euterpe

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Website Design and Differentation

Our Competition

Netflix -
Anilinkz -
Anime Season -

Some of the attributes we will be including from other sites.

Each of these sites have some good aspects that we will include in the design of our website. Firstly we will be including the quick response and costumer service like that of netflix. Like earlier stated we will have a link on the web page that allows subscribers to e-mail us directly on issues such as billing, missing series, and other issues. We will also with this aspect guarantee a response within 72 hours. So customer support will be of top priority to us.

We will be also including the multiple player aspect like that of anilinkz. They offer most of their videos in multiple players so streaming on different devices is somewhat more user friendly. This is a nice aspect for those who may not understand how their explorer works in such situations where they may have a security setting set that would interfere with one player but not another. So than the fix would be as simple as clicking on a secondary player rather than troubleshooting personal settings.

Finally we will include the information about the videos in high detail like that of anime season. They have a decent info pane when you click on a series or movie. The detail include what year the episode was released, a description about the episode, any other series or movies that tie to the viewing series, rating, and categorical tags attached to the selection.

What aspects that will be different on our site.

Like posted the other sites do have search drives in them. However the search drive from anilinkz does not work and when it does work you cannot see the next page tab due to ads being placed in the way. Netflix has a good search ingine but very limited choices in anime. The site Anime Season has a good search drive and functionality is well established. However we wish to allow subscribers to not only search by name and tags but also through such aspects as year, animation style, production company, and popularity. The popularity will also be tied to a rating scale that subscribers can voice their opinion on.

We will also be adding a tree of knowledge aspect to our site. Our subscribers will be able to view our enormous selection either in list view or image view were tags of the episodes will be included. On this tab page there will be a basic info pain about the episode including date, style, episode count, and an if you like  comparison. Then on each tag there will be a Tree Of Knowledge link that will take them to the full info page for that episode. This will include in detail about the story, date, production company, anime style, if you like comparison, and a optional limit rating search. We wish to allow account holders to put limits of ratings so that family protection is available.

We will also be the only protected site that will be allowing unlimited downloads to subscribed customers.

We would also like to incorporate the live text communication within our site for subscribers like that from It comes in handy for inexperienced anime enthusiast in the sense that which other avid anime people one all you have to do is ask a question such as "whats a good anime for kids", "whats a good action anime", "what would you guys say is the top 5 animes out" so when completing an anime series it wont be like looking for a needle in a hay stack to find another one your interested in.

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